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ExcelWorkbookLoadFromCsv Method (String, String, ExcelWorkbookFormat)

Loads a CSV file into a worksheet. The default encoding of the text in CSV is assumed to be UTF-8. The values from CSV will be imported in the top left corner of the worksheet.

Namespace:  ExpertXls.ExcelLib
Assembly:  expertxls (in expertxls.dll) Version: 7.0.0
public static ExcelWorkbook LoadFromCsv(
	string csvFileName,
	string fieldsSeparator,
	ExcelWorkbookFormat workbookFormat


Type: SystemString
The full path of the CSV file.
Type: SystemString
The fields separator in CSV (usually ',')
Type: ExpertXls.ExcelLibExcelWorkbookFormat
The format of the created workbook ( Excel 97-2003 .xls or Excel 2007-2019 or above .xlsx).

Return Value

Type: ExcelWorkbook
The newly created workbook.
See Also