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ExcelRangeFreezePanes Method

Freezes panes to keep row and column labels visible when the worksheet is scrolled. To lock rows select the row below where you want the freeze to appear (e.g. The range "A5" will freeze the rows from 1 to 4). To lock columns select the column to the right of where you want the split to appear (e.g. The range "D1" will freeze the columns A, B and C). To lock both rows and columns select the cell below and to the right of where you want the split to appear (e.g. The range "D5" will freeze the rows from 1 to 4 and the columns A, B and C).

Namespace:  ExpertXls.ExcelLib
Assembly:  expertxls (in expertxls.dll) Version: 7.0.0
public void FreezePanes()
See Also