Pdf Creator Features


ExpertPDF Pdf Creator SDK is a .NET library built to enhance our existing HtmlToPdf Converter. The Pdf Creator emerged as a premium product that has, besides the html to pdf converter features, a large number of more general pdf related capabilities.

General features

- Add texts and image elements to the PDF documents and templates
- Render multipage images (TIFF) to PDF
- Add graphic elements like lines, rectangles, ellipses, circles, Bezier curves
- Create bookmarks for the PDF document
- Merge and split PDF files and streams with MergePdf and SplitPdf classes
- Create links to internal and external resources in the PDF document
- Create file attachments
- Create text notes
- Rotate PDF document pages
- Add viewer preferences
- Add document description
- Add fonts and color directly from .NET Font and Color structures

Pdf security

- Add ordinary digital signatures
- Set user and owner passwords
- Encrypt PDF document content
- 40 and 128 bit encryption keys
- Set PDF document permissions (print, edit, copy)

Html to pdf conversion

- Place the HTML to PDF conversion result in any position in PDF document
- Set the width and height in PDF of content rendered from HTML
- Add several html elements in the same document in any position
- Possibility to get the bounds of the rendered content in each rendered page
- Set the transparency for the rendered content
- Rotate the rendered PDF content
- Add HTML in templates that can repeated on each page of the PDF document
- Add HTML in header and footer of the PDF document

RTF to pdf conversion

- Place the RTF to PDF conversion result in any position in PDF document
- Set the width and height in PDF of content rendered from RTF
- Add several RTF elements in the same document in any position
- Possibility to get the bounds of the rendered content in each rendered page
- Set the transparency for the rendered content
- Rotate the rendered PDF content
- Add RTF in templates that can repeated on each page of the PDF document
- Add RTF in header and footer of the PDF document

ExpertPDF Pdf Creator Library for .NET

Version History

NEW in v19.0.0:
(released May 27th, 2024)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v18.1.0:
(released Dec 4th, 2023)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v18.0.0:
(released Mar 30th, 2023)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v17.0.0:
(released Apr 6th, 2022)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v16.1.0:
(released Oct 19th, 2021)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v16.0.0:
(released May 20th, 2021)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v15.1.0:
(released Nov 24th, 2020)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v15.0.0:
(released Apr 9th, 2020)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v14.1.0:
(released Oct 2nd, 2019)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v14.0.0:
(released May 20th, 2019)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v12.3.0:
(released Nov 6th, 2018)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v12.2.0:
(released Jun 12th, 2018)
  • Overall performance improvements / bug fixes.
NEW in v12.1.0:
(released Apr 25th, 2018)
  • Repeat table headers fixes
  • Page breaks fixes
  • Hidden text fixes
  • Background images rendering fixes
  • Overall performance improvements / bug fixes.
NEW in v12.0.0:
(released Mar 21st, 2018)
  • Fonts rendering fixes
  • Page breaks fixes
  • PDF parsing fixes
  • Overall performance improvements / bug fixes.
NEW in v11.2.0:
(released Oct 30th, 2017)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v11.1.0:
(released Oct 4th, 2017)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v11.0.0:
(released Mar 27th, 2017)
  • SVG rendering improvements
  • Web fonts fixes
  • Right to left texts rendering fixes
  • Overall performance improvements / bug fixes.
NEW in v10.2.0:
(released Nov 1st, 2016)
  • SVG rendering improvements
  • Web fonts fixes
  • Right to left texts rendering fixes
  • CSS transformations fixes
  • Overall performance improvements / bug fixes.
NEW in v10.0.0:
(released May 25th, 2016)
  • Improved/faster html rendering engine.
  • Support for TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.
  • Improved C#/VB.NET samples.
  • Improved documentation / users guide.
  • Overall performance improvements / bug fixes.
NEW in v9.5.0:
(released Jun 4th, 2015)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v9.4.0:
(released Nov 26th, 2014)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v9.3.0:
(released Oct 21st, 2014)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v9.2.0:
(released May 7th, 2014)
  • Possibility to start the html to pdf conversion by calling a javascript method
    (set htmltopdfelement.StartupMode = StartupMode.Manual in .NET and call ExpertPdfJSObj.startConversion(); in javascript).
  • Javascript injection before html to pdf conversion (use htmltopdfelement.StartupScript to set some javascript code that will run at startup, before any other script on the page).
  • Possibility to use @media print CSS styles for conversion instead of the default @media screen for html to pdf conversions
    (set htmltopdfelement.UsePrintCSSMediaType = true).
NEW in v9.1.0:
(released Feb 11th, 2014)
  • Stability fixes for the new rendering engine based on WebKit introduced in v9.0.0
  • Conversion speed improvements
  • Possibility to convert only a certain section of a web page, using the RenderElementId property.
  • Support for Integrated Windows Authentication. The converter will automatically try to authenticate the current user when requesting a page served by IIS that uses Windows Authentication with NTLM provider.
NEW in v9.0.0:
(released Dec 9th, 2013)

This is the most important release so far, because ExpertPdf is now using a new internal HTML rendering engine based on WebKit, the rendering engine used by Google's Chrome and Apple's Safari. The previous rendering engine (IE) can still be used, but it's not recommended.

Using this new rendering engine, ExpertPdf has a whole set of brand new features:

  • Support for HTML5 and CSS3 features, including canvas and svg
  • Support for inline SVG in HTML documents
  • Support for web fonts
  • Support for Web Open Font Format WOFF
  • Powerful html5/css3/javascript rendering engine
NEW in v8.2.0:
(released Sep 27th, 2013)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v8.1.0:
(released May 16th, 2013)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
  • Updated .NET 4.0 / 4.5 samples for Visual Studio 2012
NEW in v8.0.0:
(released May 8th, 2012)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
  • (Cumulative update)
NEW in v7.0.0:
(released May 24th, 2011)
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
  • (Cumulative update)
NEW in v6.2.0:
(released Sep 16th, 2010)
  • Added assemblies for .NET 4.0
  • Added samples for .NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010
  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v6.0.0:
(released Dec 8th, 2009)
  • Repeat the header of long HTML tables on each PDF page where the table is rendered using the display:table-header-group style
  • Exclude HTML regions from rendering using the the HtmlExcludedRegionsOptions property of the PdfConverter class.
  • Improved the converter behavior in multithreaded applications and in high traffic websites
  • Improved the scrolling speed of the generated PDF document when the document is opened in Adobe Reader
  • Added the Console_MultithreadedPerformance sample application to measure the converter performance in multithreaded applications
  • Added sample applications to show how to repeat the head of a HTML table on each PDF page where the table is rendered
NEW in v5.4.0:
(released Jul 9th, 2009)
  • Import bookmarks from the external PDF documents appended and prepended to the conversion result
  • Added the OpenAction property to execute a JavaScript code or to automatically go to a PDF page when the the PDF document is displayed
  • Added the FitHeight property to make the HTML content fit the PDF page height
  • Added the HttpRequestHeaders property to send HTTP headers (e.g. cookies) to the web server when the web page is requested by converter
  • Added the TransparencyEnabled property to enable or disable all the transparencies from the generated PDF document
  • Added the DrawBackground property for HtmlToPdfArea and HtmlToPdfElement to make visible the PDF objects behind them
  • Added a demo application for WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)
  • Added a demo application for how to alternate the header and footer content on odd and even pages of the generated PDF document
NEW in v5.3.0:
(released Apr 9th, 2009)
  • Resolved a problem with converting some web sites with JavaScript enabled
  • Resolved a problem with creating PDF/X conformant documents
NEW in v5.2.0:
(released Mar 11th, 2009)
  • Improved support for complex script and right to left Asian languages
  • Added an option to generate PDF/A, PDF/X or PDF/SiqQ compliant documents
  • Added an option to specify the color space of the PDF document (RGB, CMYK, Grayscale)
  • C# and VB.NET samples for creating tables of content with page numbers
  • C# and VB.NET samples for multiple HTML conversions in the same PDF
  • C# and VB.NET samples for retrieving the position in PDF of the HTML elements
  • API to get the position in PDF (by ID or by tag name) of any HTML element
  • API to convert multiple HTML to the same PDF document
  • API to add texts, images, shapes, digital signatures, bookmarks, attachments to the PDF document created by the converter
  • Ensured the converter works when FIPS compliant algorithms are enabled
  • Performance improvements
NEW in v5.0.0:
(released Feb 11th, 2009)
  • Convert the HTML links with anchors to internal links in PDF to easily create a table of contents in the generated PDF
  • Added an option to compress images in PDF with JPEG to highly reduce the PDF document size
  • Allow any number of HtmlToPdfArea, TextArea and ImageArea in the generated PDF document header and footer
  • Added the possibility to prepend an array of external PDF documents before conversion to create cover pages
  • Added support for rendering vertical text defined in HTML with writing-mode styles tb-rl or bt-rl
  • Performance improvements
NEW in v4.0.6:
(released Dec 11th, 2008)
  • Added more descriptive error messages for easier troubleshooting
  • Added the possibility to stretch the HTML content to fit the PDF page width
NEW in v4.0.0:
(released Oct 1st, 2008)
  • Added the possibility to specify the PDF viewer preferences
  • Added the option to auto size the PDF page width
  • Header and footer improvements
  • Improved the rendering of PDFs with embedded images
  • Added a ConversionSummary property
NEW in v2.9.3:
(released Jul 21st, 2008)
  • Improved memory utilization during conversion
  • Added the possiblity to specify a navigation timeout of the html page
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.9.0:
(released Jun 18th, 2008)
  • Added the possibility to specify the Internet Security Zone of the converted URL
NEW in v2.8.2:
(released Jun 5th, 2008)
  • Improved the rendering of HTTP links in PDF
  • Improved the height auto-detection for some web pages
NEW in v2.8.0:
(released May 15th, 2008)
  • Improved true type fonts embedding in the generated PDF
  • Added the option to convert the whole HTML content to a single PDF page
NEW in v2.7.1:
(released Mar 15th, 2008)
  • bug fixes
NEW in v2.7.0:
(released Mar 4th, 2008)
  • Automatically generated bookmarks for a specified list of HTML tags
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.6.1:
(released Feb 25th, 2008)
  • Better support for large files
  • Improved rendering of transparent PNG and GIF images
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.6.0:
(released Feb 7th, 2008)
  • The HTTP links from the header and footer HTML are converted to PDF links
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.5.6:
(released Jan 25th, 2008)
  • Support for .NET 3.5 (Visual Studio 2008)
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.5.2:
(released Dec 7th, 2007)
  • Possibility to enable/disable scaling of the content to fit the page width
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.5.0:
(released Nov 27th, 2007)
  • Support for 64bit operating systems and Windows Vista
  • Full support for html in headers and footers
NEW in v2.2.0:
(released Nov 2nd, 2007)
  • Support for IIS authentication
  • Custom PDF page size
  • Header/footer enhancements (show on odd/even pages, align title/subtitle)
NEW in v2.1.1:
(released Oct 8th, 2007)
  • Support for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, Indic, Thai and Vietnamese)
  • Automatic page breaks algorithm enhancements to avoid image breaks
  • Major speed enhancements
NEW in v2.1.0:
(released Sep 28th, 2007)
  • Posibility to enable Javascript/ActiveX during conversion
  • Bug fixes
NEW in v2.0.0:
(released Sep 19th, 2007)
  • Support for html links
  • Support for embedded true type fonts
  • Multiple security options
  • Possibility to change the pdf document description elements
  • Support for page breaks using CSS styles (page-break-before:always, page-break-afte r:always)
  • Keep-together feature with CSS style page-break-inside:avoid
  • Full support for PNG images (including transparency)
  • Bug fixes

Latest News

May 27th, 2024

ExpertPdf HtmlToPdf Converter v19.0.0 was released.

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Mar 30th, 2023

ExpertPdf Pdf To Image Converter v8.0.0 was released.

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Pdf Library for .NET

ExpertPDF Html To Pdf Converter

Html to Pdf asp.net

"HTML to PDF is a quality component that is clearly valuable to any Web developer in need of an easy and flexible way to generate PDF files."

Steve C. Orr - MCSD, Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET

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With ExpertPdf you can convert html to pdf in .NET.

Professional aspx to pdf converter, ExpertPdf works with Microsoft Azure if used in a virtual machine or a cloud service.

Copyright 2024. Outside Software Inc.