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PdfToTextConverter Methods

Public methodConvertToText(Stream)
Converts a PDF document stream to a string.
Public methodConvertToText(String)
Converts a PDF file to a string.
Public methodExtractTextAtCoords(Stream, Int32, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Extracts the text from the specified page and coordinates.
Public methodExtractTextAtCoords(String, Int32, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Extracts the text from the specified page and coordinates.
Public methodExtractTextPositions(Stream, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Searches for a text into a PDF document specified by a Stream.
Public methodExtractTextPositions(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Searches for a text into a PDF file.
Public methodGetPageCount(Stream)
Gets the number of pages in the specified PDF stream.
Public methodGetPageCount(String)
Gets the number of pages in the specified PDF file.
See Also