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Document Class

Represents a PDF document
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  ExpertPdf.PdfCreator
Assembly:  epdfcreator (in epdfcreator.dll) Version: 17.0.0
public class Document

The Document type exposes the following members.

Public methodDocument
Creates an empty PDF document.
Public methodDocument(Stream)
Creates a PDF document object from the specified stream containing the PDF document.
Public methodDocument(String)
Creates a PDF document from and existing PDF file.
Public methodDocument(ColorSpace)
Creates a PDF document with the specified color space. This property can be used to create PDF documents in RGB, Grayscale or CMYK color spaces. By default the document uses the RGB color space.
Public methodDocument(PdfStandardSubset)
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard. By default the Full PDF stadard is used. This property can be used to create PDF/A, PDF/X or PDF/SiqQ compliant documents.
Public methodDocument(Stream, String)
Creates a PDF document from a stream cotaining a password protected PDF document. The specified password can be a user or owner password.
Public methodDocument(String, String)
Creates a PDF Document object from an existing password protected PDF file.
Public methodDocument(PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace)
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space. By default the Full PDF stadard is used. This property can be used to create PDF/A, PDF/X or PDF/SiqQ compliant documents using the specified color space. Plese note that the PDF/X standard will force the CMYK color space even if a different color space was specified.
Public propertyAutoCloseAppendedDocs
Gets or sets a value indicating if the PDF documents appended to this document using the AppendDocument() method are automatically closed when the current document is closed using the Close() method. The default value is false. The appended documents must remain open until the current document is saved.
Public propertyBookmarks
Gets the bookmarks collection of the document.
Public propertyCompressionLevel
Gets or sets the PDF document compression level
Public propertyDocumentInformation
Offers access to the document information object where the document's title, subject, keywords, etc can be set.
Public propertyFonts
Gets the document fonts collection.
Public propertyFooterTemplate
Represents the default PDF document footer template. This footer is automatically considered when calculating the available space for rendering in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the bottom of the PDF page.
Public propertyHeaderTemplate
Represents the default PDF document header template. This header is automatically considered when calculating the available space for drawing in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the top of the PDF page.
Public propertyStatic memberHtmlToPdfConcurrencyLevel
This static parameter gives the maximum number of threads in the current .NET application domain that can convert HTML to PDF simultaneously. This parameter must be set before the first conversion performed in the current application domain. When this property is set with a negative value or zero the concurrency level is maximum. The default value is 4.
Public propertyJpegCompressionEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the JPEG compression is enabled or not for the images in the generated PDF. By default the JPEG compression is enabled to reduce the size of the generated PDF. When the JPEG compression is enabled the quality of the images in the generated PDF is lower than the quality of the original images in the HTML document, function of the JpegCompressionLevel parameter. When the JpegCompressionLevel is increased, the quality of the images in PDF decreases.
Public propertyJpegCompressionLevel
Gets or sets the compression level of images in the generated PDF as an integer value between 0 and 100. This property has effect only when the JpegCompressionEnabled is true. When the JpegCompressionLevel is 0, the compression rate is the lowest and the quality of the images is the best. When the JpegCompressionLevel is 100, the compression rate is the highest and quality of the images in PDF is the worst. The default JPEG compression level is 10, which should offer a good balance between the compression rate and the quality of the images in PDF.
Public propertyLeftTemplate
Represents the default PDF document left template. This left template is automatically considered when calculating the available space for rendering in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the left side of the PDF page.
Public propertyMargins
The default document margins. The new pages will use the default margins if no marings is specified
Public propertyOpenAction
The Go To or JavaScript action to be performed when the PDF document is opened.
Public propertyPages
Gets the document pages collection.
Public propertyRightTemplate
Represents the default PDF document right template. This right template is automatically considered when calculating the available space for rendering in a PDF page. This template is automatically docked to the right side of the PDF page.
Public propertySecurity
Offers access to security features of the PDF document like encryption and digital signatures.
Public propertyTemplates
Gets the document templates collection.
Public propertyTransparencyEnabled
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the transparency is enabled in the generated PDF document. Default value is true. This property can be set to false to eliminate the additional flattening time when the document is sent to the printer from Adobe Reader viewer.
Public propertyUseCrossRefStreams
When this property is true, the generated PDF will store the PDF cross-reference table and PDF trailer in compressed cross-reference streams and therefore the generated PDF document will be smaller in size. Set this false for compatibility with third party tools unable to understand the cross-reference streams. The default value is false for the new documents.
Public propertyViewerPreferences
Offers access to the viewer preferences settings for the document.
Public propertyxDf
Internal use only
Public methodAddBookmark(String, ExplicitDestination)
Creates a root bookmark for the document
Public methodAddBookmark(String, ExplicitDestination, Bookmark)
Creates a child bookmark for the existing parentBookmark
Public methodAddFont(Font)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. By default the font is embedded in the PDF document in order to support Unicode texts.
Public methodAddFont(String)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. The font is created from the specified file. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAddFont(StandardCJKFont)
Adds a standard CJK font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAddFont(StdFontBaseFamily)
Adds a standard font to the collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font.
Public methodAddFont(Font, Boolean)
Adds a system font to the fonts collection. If the font was already added the method returns the existing font. The embedFont property indicates if the added font will be embedded into the PDF document.
Public methodAddPage
Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the orientation and size are inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the default A4 size and Portrait orientation is created. The page margins are inherited from the default document margins
Public methodAddPage(Margins)
Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the orientation and size are inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the default A4 size and Portrait orientation is created
Public methodAddPage(PdfPage)
Adds the specified page to the document pages collection. The page to be added is allowed to be from another document. The source document of the page to be added must remain opened until the current document is saved.
Public methodAddPage(PageSize, Margins)
Creates a new PDF page and adds it to the collection. If there is a previous page in the collection, the page orientation is inherited from the that page otherwise a first page with the specified size and Portrait orientation is created
Public methodAddPage(PageSize, Margins, PageOrientation)
Creates a new PDF page with the specified size, margins and orientation and adds it to the collection.
Public methodAddTemplate(RectangleF)
Add a new template with the specified bounds to the document templates collection.
Public methodAddTemplate(Single, Single)
Add a new template with the specified width and height to the document templates collection. The template location is top left corner of the page.
Public methodAppendDocument
Appends all pages from the another document specified as parameter to the current document. A custom range of pages from another document can be appended to the current document calling the Document.Pages.Add(PdfPage pdfPage) method for each page to be appended. The appended document must remain open until the current document is saved.
Public methodClose
Releases all the resources allocated by this PDF document. Always call this method after the document was saved. If the document was created from a stream or file, the stream will be closed if it was not explicitly detached by calling the DetachStream() before the document is closed.
Public methodDetachStream
Call this method to detach the stream from which this document was created. When this method is called before calling Close(), the Close method will not close the detached stream.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageCount(Stream)
A fast method to obtain the page count of a specified PDF document.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageCount(String)
A fast method to obtain the page count of a specified PDF document.
Public methodInsertPage(Int32, PdfPage)
Inserts the specified page into the document pages collection at the specified index. The page to be added is allowed to be from another document. The source document of the page to be inserted must remain opened until the current document is saved.
Public methodInsertPage(Int32, PageSize, Margins, PageOrientation)
Creates a new PDF page with the specified size, margins and orientation and inserts it into the collection at the specified index.
Public methodRemovePage(Int32)
Removes the PDF page at the specified index in pages collection.
Public methodRemovePage(PdfPage)
Removes the specified PDF page from the pages collection.
Public methodSave
Saves the PDF document as byte array that can be further saved into a file or send over HTTP.
Public methodSave(Stream)
Saves the document into the specified stream.
Public methodSave(String)
Saves the PDF document into the specified file.
Public methodSave(HttpResponse, Boolean, String)
Saves the document into a HTTP stream.
See Also