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PdfConverterGetPdfBytesFromHtmlStringWithTempFile Method (String, String, String)

Converts the specified HTML string to PDF and returns the rendered PDF document as an array of bytes. The HTML string is first saved into a temporary HTML file. The temporary HTML file is then converted PDF.

Namespace:  ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf
Assembly:  ephtmltopdf (in ephtmltopdf.dll) Version: 17.0.0
public byte[] GetPdfBytesFromHtmlStringWithTempFile(
	string htmlString,
	string urlBase,
	string internalLinksDocUrl


Type: SystemString
The HTML string to be converted to PDF.
Type: SystemString
The urlBase parameter allows the converter to determine the full URLs from relative URLs for images and CSS files appearing in the HTML string.
Type: SystemString
The full URL of the document referenced by the internal links from the HTML stream.

Return Value

Type: Byte
An array of bytes containing the binary representation of the PDF document.
See Also