Expert PDF Merge Library
AppendPDFFile Method (pdfFileFullPath, startIndex, length)
NamespacesExpertPdf.MergePdfPDFMergeAppendPDFFile(String, Int32, Int32)
Expert PDF Merge Library
Appends at most length pages from the specified source document starting from zero based index startIndex in the source document.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public void AppendPDFFile(
	string pdfFileFullPath,
	int startIndex,
	int length
Public Sub AppendPDFFile ( _
	pdfFileFullPath As String, _
	startIndex As Integer, _
	length As Integer _
void AppendPDFFile(
	String^ pdfFileFullPath, 
	int startIndex, 
	int length
pdfFileFullPath (String)
The full path of the document to be appended
startIndex (Int32)
The zero based index of the page from the source document from where to start appending pages
length (Int32)
The number of pages to be taken from the source document and appended to the merged document. If the specified length is bigger than the available number of pages starting from the specified start page index, only the available number of pages will be appended.

Assembly: ExpertPdf.MergePdf (Module: ExpertPdf.MergePdf) Version: (