ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
HtmlToPdfArea Class
ExpertPdf Html to Pdf Converter Library
A HTML string or URL to be added to the header or footer of the rendered PDF document. The PdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HtmlToPdfArea property should be set with an object of this type.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++
public class HtmlToPdfArea : PdfElement
Public Class HtmlToPdfArea
	Inherits PdfElement
public ref class HtmlToPdfArea : public PdfElement
All MembersConstructorsMethodsPropertiesFields

HtmlToPdfArea(String, String)
Create a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The HTML string to convert is given by the htmlStringToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

Create a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The URL to converter is given by the urlToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, String, String)
Create a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The HTML string to convert is given by the htmlStringToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, String)
Create a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The URL to converter is given by the urlToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, String, String)
Create a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The HTML string to convert is given by the htmlStringToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, String)
Create a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The URL to converter is given by the urlToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, String, String, Int32)
Create a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The HTML string to convert is given by the htmlStringToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, String, Int32)
Create a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The URL to converter is given by the urlToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, String, String, Int32, Int32)
Create a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The HTML string to convert is given by the htmlStringToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, Single, String, String, Int32, Int32)
Create a HTML string to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width. The HTML string to convert is given by the htmlStringToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, String, Int32, Int32)
Create a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The URL to converter is given by the urlToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

HtmlToPdfArea(Single, Single, Single, Single, String, Int32, Int32)
Create a URL to PDF converter element at the specified x and y coordinates with the specified width and height. The URL to converter is given by the urlToConvert parameter. The virtual browser width and height in pixels are specified by the htmlViewerWidth and htmlViewerHeight paramenters.

Enable ActiveX when rendering HTML to selectable PDF. Default is false. Note: This is used only by the IE rendering engine.

Enable ActiveX when rendering HTML to image. Default is true. Note: This is used only by the IE rendering engine.

Add padding at the end of the conversion result. Default is false.

There are situations when a fraction of the right and bottom borders of an image or table cell are overwritten by the image content or table cell background when the PDF document is viewed with Adobe Reader. The AdjustBorderSize value is subtracted from the background width and height. The default value is 0 points.

Enables or disables alpha blending for transparent images. Default is true.

Server authentication options (e.g IIS authentication)

When true this property instructs the converter to try to avoid cutting off the images between PDF pages

When true this property instructs the converter to try to avoid cutting off the text between PDF pages

Set this true when using the converter for batch conversion in a loop

Enable behaviors when rendering HTML to image. Default is false.

Internal use. Default is false.

Modify background transparency. 0 means transparent, 100 means opaque.

Use this property to enable caching of web requests. Sets the full path of the local cache folder. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

If the HTML content is not entirely visible in the HTML viewer at the specified width, the ClipHtmlView property will control whether the HTML content is clipped or the HTML viewer width is automatically extended to make visible the whole HTML content. The HTML viewer width is given by the PageWidth property. The default value of this property is false. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

An additional time in seconds to wait for asynchronous items to be loaded

The default virtual browser width in pixels

Gets or sets a flag indicating if the HTML page background is rendered in PDF. Default value is true. Setting this property to false can make visible the existing PDF content behind this element.

Internal use only.

Internal use.

When true this options instructs the converter to embed all the true type fonts into the PDF document. The default value is false.

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
When this property is true the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available height in PDF page. By default this property is false.

When this property is true the HTML content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. When false the HTML content will be rendered at the real size. By default this property is true and the content will be resized if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets or sets the HTML viewer height in pixels. If the viewer width was not set, this property has no effect

Gets or sets the HTML viewer width in pixels

Gets a collection of custom HTTP cookies to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page to convert and the resources (image, css, etc) referenced by the web page are requested. A cookie is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the Add(string, string) method of the HttpCookies property. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Gets a collection of custom HTTP headers to be sent by the converter to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. A custom HTTP header is defined by a name and a value pair that can be added to the collection using the Add(string, string) method of the HttpHeaders property. The custom HTTP headers can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. The preferred method to send cookies is to use the HttpCookies property. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Gets or sets a string containing the HTTP headers sent by the convertor to the web server when the web page is requested from a URL. The HTTP headers string can be used to define cookies, authentication options, URL referer or any other HTTP header to be sent to the web browser. Note: This is used only by the IE rendering engine.

Modify images transparency. 0 means transparent, 100 means opaque.

Sets the full path of the helper file. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

When true this options instructs the converter to convert the internal HTML links to internal PDF links when the HtmlToPdfArea is added to a PDF page. The default value is true.

Specifies the internet security zone settings used by the HTML converter to convert web sites.

Gets or sets the license key

When true this options instructs the converter to convert the html links in PDF links. The default value is true.

Enables or disables masking for transparent images. Default is true.

Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
The navigation timeout in seconds. Default value is 60.

When this property is true the library will try to release the unused memory as soon as possible. The default value is false.

A flag indicating if the converter uses an optimized page breaks algorithm to improve document scrolling inside a PDF Viewer. The optimized algorithm can introduce a small additional processing time when the PDF document is generated.

A flag indicating if plugins are enabled in converter. The default is true. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Gets a reference to an object encapsulating the proxy options used to access the HTML document to convert. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Use this property to convert only a certain section of the page, specified by the html element ID. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Gets or sets the rendering engine used by the converter to load and render the html. The possible values are WebKit and IE. The Webkit rendering engine is internal and renders similar to Chrome and Safari. For IE, the component uses the IE engine from the machine.

This property is obsolete. Setting this property is not necessary anymore when converting pages in right-to-left languages like Hebrew or Arabic.

Enable scripts when rendering HTML to selectable PDF. Default is true.

Enable scripts when rendering HTML to image. Default is true.

A flag indicating if the download and execution of the HTML code is serialized when the converter is called simultaneously from multiple threads of an application. Default value is false.

Internal use.

Use this property to specify the converter startup mode. By default this is set to Automatic and the conversion is started as soon as the page loads (and ConversionDelay elapses). If set to Manual, the conversion is started only by a javascript call to ExpertPdfJSObj.startConversion() Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Use this property to specify some JavaScript code that will be injected into the page that is converted. The JavaScript code specified here will run before any other script on the page. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

This property has effect only when FitWidth property is true. When FitWidth is true and this property is true the HTML content will be stretched if necessary to fit the available width in PDF page. By default this property is false and the content will not be stretched to fit the available width in PDF page.

Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Internal use only.

A flag indicating if texts are rendered using glyphs or regular characters. The default is false and regular characters are used if possible. Glyphs are forced for special languages (such as right to left or Asian). Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

A flag indicating if @media print css styles are used or not. The default is false and @media screen css styles are used. Note: This is used only by the WebKit rendering engine.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf (Module: ExpertPdf.HtmlToPdf.dll) Version: (